.. index:: pair: jQuery ; EasyAutocomplete pair: plugin ; jQuery EasyAutocomplete pair: categories ; EasyAutocomplete pair: flags ; EasyAutocomplete pair: JSON ; EasyAutocomplete pair: Javascript ; EasyAutocomplete pair: CSS ; EasyAutocomplete pair: SCSS ; EasyAutocomplete pair: Python ; httpie .. _jquery_easyautocomplete: ====================================================================================== 2016-10-20 2016-10-21 First step: using the jquery EasyAutocomplete plugin with Django ====================================================================================== .. seealso:: - http://easyautocomplete.com/ - http://easyautocomplete.com/guide - http://easyautocomplete.com/guide#sec-data-providers - https://github.com/pawelczak/EasyAutocomplete .. contents:: :depth: 5 .. figure:: ../../../_static/eac_favicon.png :align: center .. figure:: easyautocomplete_home.png :align: center Why ? EasyAutocomplete can easily become one of the best autocomplete plugins available for free ================================================================================================ .. seealso:: http://126kr.com/article/69n5fxx65il **Because jquery Easyautocomplete can easily become one of the best autocomplete plugins available for free.**. .. figure:: why_jquery_easyautocomplete.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete files tree (Javascript, CSS, JSON, PHP files) =============================================================== :: C:. | .gitattributes | .gitignore | .jscsrc | .jshintrc | authors.txt | bower.json | Gruntfile.js | LICENSE.txt | package.json | README.md | tree_a_f.txt | +---demo | | example_categories.html | | example_custom_template.html | | example_duckduckgo.html | | example_email.html | | example_flags.html | | example_json.html | | example_remote.html | | example_simple.html | | example_static_link.html | | example_theme.html | | example_theme_funky.html | | example_theme_square.html | | example_xml.html | | | +---api | | countries.php | | countrySearch.php | | | \---resources | categories.json | countries.json | countries.xml | flags.css | flags.png | icon_search.png | people.json | site.json | +---dist | | easy-autocomplete.css | | easy-autocomplete.min.css | | easy-autocomplete.themes.css | | easy-autocomplete.themes.min.css | | jquery.easy-autocomplete.js | | jquery.easy-autocomplete.min.js | | | \---maps | easy-autocomplete.css.map | easy-autocomplete.min.css.map | easy-autocomplete.themes.css.map | easy-autocomplete.themes.min.css.map | +---lib | jquery-1.11.2.min.js | jquery-2.1.3.min.js | +---src | | configuration.js | | constans.js | | core.js | | listBuilder.js | | logger.js | | proccessData.js | | template.js | | | \---sass | easy-autocomplete.scss | easy-autocomplete.themes.scss | \---test | configuration.js | listBuilder.js | modules.html | proccessData.js | template.js | +---core | | build.html | | build.js | | categories.html | | categories.js | | event.html | | event.js | | features.html | | features.js | | functions.html | | functions.js | | handles.html | | handles.js | | plugin.html | | plugin.js | | response.html | | response.js | | response_json.js | | response_remote.html | | response_remote.js | | response_static.js | | response_xml.js | | template.html | | template.js | | | +---remote | | countries.php | | countrySelectService.php | | | \---resources | | categories.json | | colors.json | | colors.xml | | colors_caps_string.json | | colors_object.json | | colors_object.xml | | colors_string.json | | countries.json | | duckduckgo.json | | response.json | | | \---categories | fruits.json | fruits.xml | otherFruits.xml | \---qunit qunit.css qunit.js Javascript SCSS and CSS EasyAutocomplete files =============================================== EasyAutocomplete-master/src/sass/easy-autocomplete.scss ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/src/sass/easy-autocomplete.scss :linenos: :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/src/sass/easy-autocomplete.scss EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/easy-autocomplete.css -------------------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/easy-autocomplete.css :linenos: :language: css :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/easy-autocomplete.css EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/jquery.easy-autocomplete.js ------------------------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/jquery.easy-autocomplete.js :linenos: :language: javascript :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/dist/jquery.easy-autocomplete.js EasyAutocomplete simple example ================================ .. figure:: easyautocomplete_simple.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_simple.html ------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_simple.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_simple.html EasyAutocomplete JSON example ============================== .. seealso:: :term:`JSON` .. figure:: easyautocomplete_json.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_json.html ---------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_json.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_json.html EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/countries.json ----------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/countries.json :linenos: :lines: 1-100 :language: json :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/countries.json EasyAutocomplete flags example ============================== .. figure:: easyautocomplete_flags.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_flags.html ------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_flags.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_flags.html EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.css ------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.css :linenos: :language: css :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.css EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.png ------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/flags.png EasyAutocomplete categories example ==================================== .. figure:: easyautocomplete_categories.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_categories.html ----------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_categories.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_categories.html EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/categories.json ------------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/categories.json :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/categories.json EasyAutocomplete static_link example ====================================== .. figure:: easyautocomplete_static_links.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_static_link.html ------------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_static_link.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_static_link.html EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/site.json ------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/site.json :linenos: :language: json :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/site.json EasyAutocomplete email example ====================================== .. figure:: easyautocomplete_email.png :align: center EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_email.html ------------------------------------------------------ .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_email.html :linenos: :language: html :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/example_email.html EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/people.json ---------------------------------------------------- .. literalinclude:: ../../../../annexes/EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/people.json :linenos: :language: json :lines: 1-200 :caption: EasyAutocomplete-master/demo/resources/people.json EasyAutocomplete Django integration ==================================== .. seealso:: - http://easyautocomplete.com/guide Include JS and CSS files from the distribution (static files) --------------------------------------------------------------- .. seealso:: - http://easyautocomplete.com/download - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ .. figure:: easyautocomplete_distribution.png :align: center First thing you need to do, is to download EasyAutocomplete plugin files. More information about it can be found in the `Download section`_. Javascript and css files(in the actual version) are located in *dist folder* of the project. .. note:: If you want to make any changes, uncompiled javascript files and unprocessed sass files can be found in the src folder. .. _`Download section`: http://easyautocomplete.com/download Exemples of static files in the Django World ============================================= The Django contrib module -------------------------- :: C:\PROJECT\PYTHON_ENVS\DJANGO_TEST_AUTOCOMPLETE_35_64\LIB\SITE-PACKAGES\DJANGO\CONTRIB\ADMIN\STATIC \---admin +---css | base.css | changelists.css | dashboard.css | fonts.css | forms.css | login.css | rtl.css | widgets.css | +---fonts | LICENSE.txt | README.txt | Roboto-Bold-webfont.woff | Roboto-Light-webfont.woff | Roboto-Regular-webfont.woff | +---img | | calendar-icons.svg | | icon-addlink.svg | | icon-alert.svg | | icon-calendar.svg | | icon-changelink.svg | | icon-clock.svg | | icon-deletelink.svg | | icon-no.svg | | icon-unknown-alt.svg | | icon-unknown.svg | | icon-yes.svg | | inline-delete.svg | | LICENSE | | README.txt | | search.svg | | selector-icons.svg | | sorting-icons.svg | | tooltag-add.svg | | tooltag-arrowright.svg | | | \---gis | move_vertex_off.svg | move_vertex_on.svg | \---js | actions.js | actions.min.js | calendar.js | cancel.js | change_form.js | collapse.js | collapse.min.js | core.js | inlines.js | inlines.min.js | jquery.init.js | popup_response.js | prepopulate.js | prepopulate.min.js | prepopulate_init.js | SelectBox.js | SelectFilter2.js | timeparse.js | urlify.js | +---admin | DateTimeShortcuts.js | RelatedObjectLookups.js | \---vendor +---jquery | jquery.js | jquery.min.js | LICENSE-JQUERY.txt | \---xregexp LICENSE-XREGEXP.txt xregexp.js xregexp.min.js Django_By_Example_Code/Chapter 1/mysite/blog --------------------------------------------- The static directory is in the blog **application directory**. :: C:\TMP\DJANGO-BY-EXAMPLE-BOOK-MASTER\CHAP_1_BLOG\MYSITE\BLOG | admin.py | apps.py | models.py | tests.py | urls.py | views.py | __init__.py | +---migrations | 0001_initial.py | __init__.py | +---static | \---css | blog.css | \---templates | pagination.html | \---blog | base.html | pagination.html | \---post detail.html list.html pagination.html Django_By_Example_Code/Chapter 8 ---------------------------------- There are static directories in: - the courses and shop **applications directory** - the **project directory**. :: \---myshop | manage.py | +---cart | | admin.py | | cart.py | +---myshop | celery.py | db.sqlite3 | settings.py | urls.py | wsgi.py | __init__.py | +---orders | | admin.py | | forms.py | | models.py | | | +---static | | \---css | | admin.css | | pdf.css | | | +---shop | | admin.py | | models.py | | tests.py | | urls.py | | | +---static | | +---css | | | base.css | | | | | \---img | | no_image.png | | | \---static +---admin | +---css | | base.css | | changelists.css | | dashboard.css | | forms.css | | ie.css | | login.css | | rtl.css | | widgets.css | | | +---img | | | changelist-bg.gif | | | changelist-bg_rtl.gif | | | default-bg-reverse.gif | | | default-bg.gif | | | deleted-overlay.gif | | | icon-no.gif | | | icon-unknown.gif | | | icon-yes.gif | | | icon_addlink.gif | | | icon_alert.gif | | | icon_calendar.gif | | | icon_changelink.gif | | | icon_clock.gif | | | icon_deletelink.gif | | | icon_error.gif | | | icon_searchbox.png | | | icon_success.gif | | | inline-delete-8bit.png | | | inline-delete.png | | | inline-restore-8bit.png | | | inline-restore.png | | | inline-splitter-bg.gif | | | nav-bg-grabber.gif | | | nav-bg-reverse.gif | | | nav-bg-selected.gif | | | nav-bg.gif | | | selector-icons.gif | | | selector-search.gif | | | sorting-icons.gif | | | tooltag-add.png | | | tooltag-arrowright.png | | | | | \---gis | | move_vertex_off.png | | move_vertex_on.png | | | \---js | | actions.js | | actions.min.js | | calendar.js | | collapse.js | | collapse.min.js | | core.js | | inlines.js | | inlines.min.js | | jquery.init.js | | jquery.js | | jquery.min.js | | LICENSE-JQUERY.txt | | prepopulate.js | | prepopulate.min.js | | related-widget-wrapper.js | | SelectBox.js | | SelectFilter2.js | | timeparse.js | | urlify.js | | | \---admin | DateTimeShortcuts.js | RelatedObjectLookups.js | +---css | admin.css | base.css | pdf.css | \---img no_image.png Django_By_Example_Code/Chapter 13 ---------------------------------- There are static directories in: - the courses **application directory** - the **project directory**. :: \---educa | db.sqlite3 | manage.py | +---config | nginx.conf | uwsgi.ini | +---courses | | admin.py | | fields.py | | forms.py | | | +---static | | \---css | | base.css | | | +---educa | | db.sqlite3 | | urls.py | | wsgi.py | | __init__.py | | | \---settings | base.py | local.py | pro.py | __init__.py | +---ssl | educa.crt | educa.key | +---static | +---admin | | +---css | | | base.css | | | changelists.css | | | dashboard.css | | | forms.css | | | ie.css | | | login.css | | | rtl.css | | | widgets.css | | | | | +---img | | | | changelist-bg.gif | | | | changelist-bg_rtl.gif | | | | default-bg-reverse.gif | | | | default-bg.gif | | | | deleted-overlay.gif | | | | icon-no.gif | | | | icon-unknown.gif | | | | icon-yes.gif | | | | icon_addlink.gif | | | | icon_alert.gif | | | | icon_calendar.gif | | | | icon_changelink.gif | | | | icon_clock.gif | | | | icon_deletelink.gif | | | | icon_error.gif | | | | icon_searchbox.png | | | | icon_success.gif | | | | inline-delete-8bit.png | | | | inline-delete.png | | | | inline-restore-8bit.png | | | | inline-restore.png | | | | inline-splitter-bg.gif | | | | nav-bg-grabber.gif | | | | nav-bg-reverse.gif | | | | nav-bg-selected.gif | | | | nav-bg.gif | | | | selector-icons.gif | | | | selector-search.gif | | | | sorting-icons.gif | | | | tooltag-add.png | | | | tooltag-arrowright.png | | | | | | | \---gis | | | move_vertex_off.png | | | move_vertex_on.png | | | | | \---js | | | actions.js | | | actions.min.js | | | calendar.js | | | collapse.js | | | collapse.min.js | | | core.js | | | inlines.js | | | inlines.min.js | | | jquery.init.js | | | jquery.js | | | jquery.min.js | | | LICENSE-JQUERY.txt | | | prepopulate.js | | | prepopulate.min.js | | | related-widget-wrapper.js | | | SelectBox.js | | | SelectFilter2.js | | | timeparse.js | | | urlify.js | | | | | \---admin | | DateTimeShortcuts.js | | RelatedObjectLookups.js | | | +---css | | base.css | | | \---rest_framework | +---css | | bootstrap-tweaks.css | | bootstrap.min.css | | default.css | | prettify.css | | | +---fonts | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.eot | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.svg | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.ttf | | glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff | | | +---img | | glyphicons-halflings-white.png | | glyphicons-halflings.png | | grid.png | | | \---js | bootstrap.min.js | default.js | jquery-1.8.1-min.js | prettify-min.js | Django settings example ======================== .. seealso:: - https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/settings/#settings-staticfiles :: # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ STATIC_URL = '/static/' STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'static/') Integration in our Django test project ======================================= :: +---static | +---css | | easy-autocomplete.min.css | | easy-autocomplete.themes.min.css | | | \---js | jquery.easy-autocomplete.min.js :: | ajax_selects_singers_db | manage.py | run_local_dev_server.bat | +---projects | | admin.py | | apps.py | | forms.py | | models.py | | tests.py | | urls.py | | views.py | | __init__.py | | | +---migrations | | | 0001_initial.py | | | __init__.py | | | | +---templates | | \---projects | | \---project | | update.html | | | +---projet_ajax | | settings.py | | urls.py | | wsgi.py | | __init__.py | | | +---singers | | admin.py | | apps.py | | forms.py | | lookups.py | | models.py | | tests.py | | urls.py | | views.py | | __init__.py | | | +---migrations | | | 0001_initial.py | | | 0002_auto_20161017_1612.py | | | 0003_auto_20161017_1632.py | | | __init__.py | | | | | | +---templates | | \---singers | | +---author | | | update.html | | | | | +---book | | | update.html | | | | | \---song | | update.html | | | +---static | +---css | | easy-autocomplete.min.css | | easy-autocomplete.themes.min.css | | | \---js | jquery.easy-autocomplete.min.js | \---templates base.html search_form.html Create a simple update_easy_simple.html ======================================== Le fichier projects/templates/pojects/projet/update_easy_simple.html ---------------------------------------------------------------------- .. code-block:: django {% load static %} {% load staticfiles %} EasyAutocomplete simple example

EasyAutocomplete - easy example

First problem : the libraries are not found -------------------------------------------- .. figure:: pb_load_libraries.png :align: center :: from os.path import (join, basename, dirname) # Build paths inside the project like this: os.path.join(BASE_DIR, ...) DJANGO_ROOT = BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) # Site name ('projet_ajax') SITE_NAME = basename(DJANGO_ROOT) # Absolute filesystem path to the top-level project folder: PROJECT_ROOT=dirname(DJANGO_ROOT) logging.info("DJANGO_ROOT={} SITE_NAME={} PROJECT_ROOT={}".format( DJANGO_ROOT, SITE_NAME, PROJECT_ROOT, )) # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ STATIC_ROOT = join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'staticfiles') # STATIC_ROOT="C:/projects_id3/P5N001/XLOG5R372_id3_intranet/trunk/django-www/staticfiles" # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # http://www.marinamele.com/taskbuster-django-tutorial/create-home-page-with-tdd-staticfiles-templates-settings # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ # http://whitenoise.evans.io/en/latest/django.html#runserver-nostatic STATIC_URL = '/static/' # https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/howto/static-files/ # les répertoires ou sont sockés les fichiers statiques en developpement STATICFILES_DIRS = [ join(DJANGO_ROOT, 'static'), ] collectstatic -------------- +:: python manage.py collectstatic New tree --------- :: +---doc_sphinx | +---actions | | \---2016 +---projet_ajax | +---projects | | +---migrations \---staticfiles +---admin | +---css | +---fonts | +---img | | \---gis | \---js | +---admin | \---vendor | +---jquery | \---xregexp +---ajax_select | +---css | +---images | \---js +---autocomplete_light | \---vendor | \---select2 | +---dist | | +---css | | \---js | | \---i18n | +---src | | \---js | | \---select2 | | +---compat | | +---data | | +---dropdown | | +---i18n | | \---selection | +---tests | | +---a11y | | +---data | | +---dropdown | | +---integration | | +---options | | +---selection | | +---utils | | \---vendor | \---vendor +---css +---debug_toolbar | +---css | +---img | \---js +---django_extensions | +---css | +---img | \---js \---js Create an easyautocomplete directory -------------------------------------- :: python manage.py collectstatic .. figure:: new_rep_autocomplete.png :align: center :: | \---easyautocomplete +---css | easy-autocomplete.css | easy-autocomplete.min.css | easy-autocomplete.themes.css | easy-autocomplete.themes.min.css | \---js jquery.easy-autocomplete.js jquery.easy-autocomplete.min.js Update the Django template file -------------------------------- .. code-block:: django {% load static %} {% load staticfiles %} EasyAutocomplete simple example

EasyAutocomplete - easy example

OK it works ! -------------- Add JSON files ---------------- .. figure:: add_json_files.png :align: center .. _adding_ajax_call: Adding the AJAX call in the Django template ============================================= .. seealso:: http://easyautocomplete.com/guide#sec-data-providers URL : ----------------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: get_champion_term_a.png :align: center pip install httpie (clihttp) ----------------------------- .. seealso:: - https://httpie.org/ - https://twitter.com/jkbrzt - https://twitter.com/clihttp - https://github.com/eliangcs/http-prompt .. figure:: ../../../_static/httpie_logo.jpg :align: center HTTPie—aitch-tee-tee-pie—is an open source CLI HTTP client that will make you smile: a user-friendly curl alternative that provides a simple http command designed for painless debugging and interaction with HTTP servers, RESTful APIs, and web services. :: pip install httpie http --------------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: httpie_get_champion_term_a.png :align: center :: [ { "id": 6, "label": "aaaa", "value": "aaaa" }, { "id": 1, "label": "admin", "value": "admin" }, { "id": 8, "label": "albert", "value": "albert" }, { "id": 2, "label": "champion_0001", "value": "champion_0001" }, { "id": 7, "label": "john", "value": "john" }, { "id": 10, "label": "nigel", "value": "nigel" }, { "id": 9, "label": "zoya", "value": "zoya" } ] http http://easyautocomplete.com/api/countrySearch.php?phrase=co ----------------------------------------------------------------- .. figure:: http_country_search_co.png :align: center :: [ { "name": "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS" }, { "name": "COLOMBIA" }, { "name": "COMOROS" }, { "name": "CONGO" }, { "name": "CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE" }, { "name": "COOK ISLANDS" }, { "name": "COSTA RICA" }, { "name": "COTE D IVOIRE" }, { "name": "MEXICO" }, { "name": "MONACO" }, { "name": "MOROCCO" }, { "name": "PUERTO RICO" }, { "name": "TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS" } ] Avec countrySearch.php ----------------------- .. code-block:: html .. code-block:: javascript var options = { url: function(phrase) { return "api/countrySearch.php?phrase=" + phrase + "&format=json"; }, getValue: "value" }; $("#provider-remote").easyAutocomplete(options); Avec Python/Django OK the first step is DONE --------------------------------------------- .. seealso:: - - .. figure:: calling_ajax_ok.png :align: center The Template +++++++++++++ .. code-block:: django {# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {# simple AJAX call #} {# http://easyautocomplete.com/guide#sec-data-providers #} {# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#} {% comment %} (django_test_autocomplete_35_64) C:\projects_id3\django-test-autocomplete>http HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 07:51:46 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.2 CPython/3.5.2 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN [ { "id": 9, "label": "zoya", "value": "zoya" } ] {% endcomment %} var options_easy_autocomplete_ajax = { {# we have to build this URL: #} url: function(term) { return "{% url 'projects:champion_get_json' %}" + "?term=" + term; }, getValue: "value", }; $("#data-ajax").easyAutocomplete(options_easy_autocomplete_ajax); The View ChampionAutoCompleteView ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python class ChampionAutoCompleteView(FormView): """ Documentation ============= - https://ccbv.co.uk/projects/Django/1.9/django.views.generic.edit/FormView/ """ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """term is sent by the jquery-ui autocomplete widget. The filter is on the username and the user email. """ term = request.GET.get("term") if term: users = User.objects.filter(Q(username__icontains=term) | Q(email__icontains=term)).order_by('username') else: users = User.objects.all()[:50] results = [] for user in users: user_json = {} user_json['id'] = user.id user_json['label'] = user.username user_json['value'] = user.username results.append(user_json) data = json.dumps(results) mimetype = 'application/json' return HttpResponse(data, mimetype) The projects urls.py +++++++++++++++++++++ .. code-block:: python # calls by jquery-ui autocomplete (AJAX calls) # url(r'^champion_get_json/$', ChampionAutoCompleteView.as_view(), name='champion_get_json'), This is the happy end of the first step ========================================