2016-10-21 Receive 2 new excellent books about jQuery: jQuery In Action and jquery UI in Action

If you were starting a new web app tomorrow, would you use jQuery ?

Aurelio De Rosa

I don't use it by default anymore, but it also depends on the project and the browsers
I have to support. These days I don't have to support IE8 anymore, but I'm
still maintaining some code bases developed a couple of years ago that needed
to support IE8. So, I still see jQuery around from time to time.

I think we can all agree that jQuery is not the tool for building SPAs, but
to be honest, it was never conceived for that.

TJ VanToll

Exactly. I still find jQuery to provide the exact mix of functionality I
need for little sites like that.
I would probably not, however, use jQuery if I were starting on a large complex
app nowadays. I think modern frameworks like Angular 2 just provide better
paradigms for building apps at that scale.