.. index:: pair: placeholder ; HTML5 .. _eac_ajax_options: ====================================================================================== 2016-10-21 testing the jquery EasyAutocomplete (EAC) options for an AJAX call ====================================================================================== .. contents:: :depth: 3 Renaming views ============== Rename champion_get_json into api_get_champions Add a great number of projects into the 'project' table ======================================================== .. seealso:: - https://github.com/fcurella/django-fakery - http://blog.districtdatalabs.com/a-practical-guide-to-anonymizing-datasets-with-python-faker We can create a Django command or a simple loop in the command line interface. :: user = User.objects.last() :: for i in range(20): title='python project:{}'.format(i) p = Project.objects.create(champion=user, title=title) print(p) Write an API view/urls to select projects ========================================== The view -------- :: class ApiGetProjectsView(FormView): """ Documentation ============= - https://ccbv.co.uk/projects/Django/1.10/django.views.generic.edit/FormView/ """ def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): """term is sent by the jquery-ui autocomplete widget. For the jquery-ui autocomplete widget we have to return 3 fields: - id - label - value For the jquery EasyAutocomplete we can return what we want. """ term = request.GET.get("term") if term: projects = Project.objects.filter(title__icontains=term) else: projects = Project.objects.all()[:50] results = [] for project in projects: project_json = {} project_json['id'] = project.id project_json['label'] = project.title project_json['value'] = project.title results.append(project_json) data = json.dumps(results) mimetype = 'application/json' return HttpResponse(data, mimetype) The URL -------- :: # calls by jquery EasyAutocomplete (EAC) # url(r'^api_get_projects/$', ApiEACGetProjectsView.as_view(), name='api_get_projects'), Tests with httpie ------------------ :: http :: HTTP/1.0 200 OK Content-Type: application/json Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2016 13:03:31 GMT Server: WSGIServer/0.2 CPython/3.5.2 X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN [ { "id": 52, "label": "an other projec:0", "value": "an other projec:0" }, { "id": 53, "label": "an other projec:1", "value": "an other projec:1" }, { "id": 54, "label": "an other projec:2", "value": "an other projec:2" }, Update the Django template file in order to call this view =========================================================== :: .. figure:: liste_6_elements.png :align: center 6 elements is not enough ========================= OK, no slider .. figure:: no_slider.png :align: center Ajout placeholder ================== ::


.. figure:: ajout_placeholder.png :align: center list['onSelectItemEvent'] =========================== .. seealso:: http://easyautocomplete.com/guide#sec-function-selected-data HTML5 ------ ::


Javascript ----------- .. code-block:: html var options_easy_autocomplete_ajax = { {# we have to build this URL: #} url: function(term) { return "{% url 'projects:api_get_projects' %}" + "?term=" + term; }, getValue: "title", list: { maxNumberOfElements: 200, onSelectItemEvent: function() { var project_id = $("#project_choice_list").getSelectedItemData().id; {# put the project.id in the projet_holder field #} $("#projet_holder").val(project_id).trigger("change"); }, match: { enabled: true }, }, }; $("#project_choice_list").easyAutocomplete(options_easy_autocomplete_ajax); list['showAnimation'] ====================== TODO : tester categories ========================= .. seealso:: - http://easyautocomplete.com/guide#sec-categories